On April 29th George Floras from BELT AND ROAD ASSOCIATES had the honor to participate as a speaker at «Europeans for the Belt and Road Initiative – Cooperation Between Europe and China: Opportunities and Challenges» webinar which was hosted by “Belt & Road Institute in Sweden ”. Hussein Askary Jan Menke Hopma (荷洋)Stephen Brawer Tomaz Amon Erik Solheim
As the world economy is transforming rapidly amid a number of challenging geopolitical, economic, health, and climate conditions, cooperation between Europe and China takes a special significance. Positioned on the two edges of the vast Eurasian continent, the Europe and China can stretch their arms to each other and build economic, cultural, and scientific bridges that can contribute to development, peace, and harmony among nations. As the COVID-19 pandemic showed, interdependence among the nations of the world has never been so consolidated. We, a group of European associations, think tanks, scholars, and entrepreneurs specialized in Europe-China relations and cooperation, believe that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has set forth a unique model of cooperation which is most suitable for the world situation today. The BRI transcends political, social, and cultural differences among cultures, and focusses on the shared interests and goals of nations. It respects the uniqueness, sovereignty, and independence of each nation, while reaching out to mutually learn and benefit from these features. Together with our Chinese counterparts and friends, we discussed the opportunities and challenges facing China-Europe cooperation and jointly building the BRI.

By gfloras

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